Fogging and Test VOC

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Techniques able to evaluate the quantity of organic compounds emitted, generally required in the specifications of the automotive sector. Specifically, fogging uses a gravimetric or photometric method to identify the volatile substances emitted from leather, imitation leather, composite or flocked […]


Coulometric method thickness

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Evaluation of the thickness of metallic or galvanized components by destructive testing. The laboratory is also able to perform thickness measurements on galvanized coatings using the coulometric or anodic degalvanization technique. This technique is able to measure each layer, removing […]


Chemical resistance

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Simulation of contact with chemical agents and contaminants that can be encountered during operation. Test required by automotive specifications, performed on painted or mass-pigmented plastics to evaluate their resistance to the application of chemical agents or fluids generally used for […]


Tensile cracking test

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Test utile per definire la resistenza alla tenso-fessurazione dei materiali plastici quindi determinare la sensibilità di queste all’azione congiunta di sollecitazioni meccaniche con sollecitazioni chimiche. L’azione congiunta delle sollecitazioni meccaniche e chimiche porta quindi ad ottenere una certa deformazione del […]